Lidya Takele
Birthday 23 August 2002
Country Ethiopia
Birthday 23 August 2002
Country Ethiopia
This is Lidya Takele’s Time-Line. We will update as new letters are received. Details about Lidya Takele’s home country, Ethiopia, can be found at the bottom of the page.
Lidya lives with her mother. Her duties at home include making beds and cleaning. There are 2 children in the family. Her mother occasionally works. Due to low income her family struggles to survive.
For fun, Lidya enjoys volleyball and playing group games. She attends church activities regularly and is in primary school where she is making considerable progress.
Lidya lives in the community of Gonder, home to approximately 305,000 residents. Typical house are constructed of dirt floors, adobe walls and tin roofs. The primary ethnic group is Amhara and the most commonly spoken language is Amharic.
The regional diet consists of beans, bread, potatoes and teff (local grain).
Common health problems in this area include tuberculosis, pneumonia, HIV/AIDS and waterborne diseases.
Most adults in Gonder work as day labourers and earn the equivalent of $US12 per month. This community has electricity, water and telephone services but needs secondary schools, technical and vocational training centres and employment opportunities.
Our sponsorship allows the staff of Gonder Hiwot Berhan Church Child Development Project to provide our sponsored child with Bible teaching, choir, health screenings, supplementary food, hygiene education, sports, social activities, educational materials, school fees and tutoring. The centre staff will also provide health education for the parents or guardians of our sponsored child.