Desire Yameogo

Birthday 11 May 2006

Country Burkina Faso

This is Desire’s timeline. We will update as new letters are received. Details about Desire’s home country, Burkina Faso, can be found at the bottom of the page.

15 February 2014

Desire has now started school

Desire is presently in level 1 of primary school in Burkina Faso which is equivalent to first grade in Australia. He is nearly 8 years old.

In his letter he says that like to be a good soccer player and when he grows up he wants to be a doctor. He thanks us for his Christmas present and now has some new clothes for when it gets cold. He goes to school every day but goes to the CDC on Thursdays. He also drew the picture on the right however we are not sure who it is of.

One day he would like to see real snow.

18 June 2012

Welcome to our family Desire

Desire lives with his father and his mother. His duties at home include caring for the children and doing odd jobs. There are two children in the family. Both his parents occasionally work as rural workers. Due to low income his family struggles to survive.

Desire is not presently attending school. Singing, running and playing group games are his favourite activities. He also attends bible class regularly.

Because of our sponsorship, Desire has new opportunities to learn and to grow physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Country: Burkina Faso

Desire lives on the plains of Secteur 3/Kutian, home of about 15,000 people. Typical houses are constructed of cement floors, adobe walls and tin roofs. The primary ethnic group is Mossiand the most commonly spoken language is Moore.

The regional diet consists of maize, beef, rice and goat. Common health problems in this area include malaria, coughs and meningitis. 

Most adults are unemployed but some work as subsistence farmers or market traders and earn the equivalent of $30 per month. This community needs tuition assistance and employment opportunities.

Approximately 36 percent of children in Burkina Faso suffer from stunted growth, often as a result of malnutrition, and incidences of malaria, respiratory infection and diarrhoea are also high. The country currently holds the highest infant mortality rate of all of Compassion’s field countries, with approximately 82 infants dying for every 1000 born.

Our sponsorship allows the staff of AD/Centrale Leo Child Development Centre to provide Desire with Bible teaching, hygiene education, medical checkups, group games, social activities, tuition, vocational skills training and community service opportunities. Forty percent of children in this project are not attending school because they are underage. The centre staff will also provide income-generating activities for Desires parents.

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